Sunday, June 03, 2007

when god sinn'd...

the firmament seems to crack, the imperial stars reveal themselves
on the road below , two nuns walk, in the night, besides two ‘elves’
a light shimmers at a distance, the church bells catch the wind
the darkness bears down, the devil smiles, for today ‘god’ sinned

the ladies are silent, they hear the lunatic sing a lullaby
the road meanders through the corpses, the debauched souls cry
the owl sees them bend over the cross, cant in unison
the mist descends, the elves wait, their eyes bear a longing vision

under their feet are no prints, their voices can’t be heard
the eyes, they shine, tell a story, never told, never heard
suddenly the lightening crashes, a baby cries
the trees sashay, the wet leaves fall from the highs

the boy smiles, that smile demands affection
the elves relax, their hands bloody from the vivisection
the lunatic kisses His forehead, he can now renounce his forsaken disguise
for the kingdom cometh, right under devil’s eyes


Posterori said...

surreal, violent, scary and yet compelling...

Whatever said...

diabolical and stupefying to its extremes

Germ said...
